don't delete the wikipedia!

today i wikidiscovered that before archduke franz ferdinand was assassinated at the age of 50, he had a fondness for trophy hunting that was excessive even by the standards of European nobility in his day. In his diaries he kept track of 272,511 game kills, 5,000 of which were deer. About 100,000 trophies were on exhibit at his Bohemian castle at Konopiště.

even if he had started indiscriminate lifelong slaughter at 5 years old that's over 16 creatures killed every day, he even used a machine gun on some hunts. given that he spent a large chunk of his life hooning around Africa, Ceylon, India, Europe, the usa, Canada, The Polynesians, New Hebrides, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, Sarawak, Hong Kong and Japan and in those days travel was mainly by ship he must have been racking up hundreds on a hunting day. He even had an elephant's foot hollowed out and used it as an ashtray. they really should have shot him a lot earlier.

Posted By: Tombs, Dec 7, 17:43:31

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