You go into it thinking “this is it”. After all, Palace are s**t, right? We’re definitely better than them. 3 pts incoming. We’ll climb out of the relegation zone tonight, and the injection of confidence will REALLY start the season. Give it a few weeks, and we’ll be mid table.
Game starts. It’s stodgy. It’s tense. Palace do indeed look s**t. But you just can’t quite get after them. They’re just…there. Blocking. Getting in the way. Plodding up front, but…awkward. Really quite s**t. But you can’t lay a glove on them.
Game descends into an even tenser stale mate. But you’re still hoping. One moment of quality, that’s all we need. Surely it will come. I mean Palace won’t score. Will they? They’re s**t.
Fuck. They just scored. And you already know in your heart that that's that. You’re never going to score. You hope…you pray…you beg. You cling on to the faint hope.
Nothing. Time runs out. Where did that 25 minutes go? And somehow you’ve lost to Crystal f**king Palace. They haven’t even played well. Yet somehow they still had way too much for you. You’ve worked you socks off, and have nothing but another defeat. In a game you had earmarked as not only “winnable”, but probably “must win”.
How many times have Palace done exactly this to us? I really enjoyed watching “we’re probably going to finish 12th” suck that up.
Posted By: Under soil heating, Dec 3, 21:33:58
Written & Designed By Ben Graves 1999-2025