She was very unhappy and wanted to go. So much better than she can go that way, rather than doing what so many are forced to do (just from my own acquaintance - hanging, jumped from a bridge, jumped in front of a tube train, lay down on the rail tracks in south London).
All those people had severe depression, had had a lot of treatment, had a settled will to end their lives, did it in a messy and awful way. The youngest was 24 and the most beautiful girl you could imagine. Her funeral still makes me cry when I remember it. To balance it up the oldest was in his 40s and a brilliant barrister, so you can hate him as much as you like
I fully respect that Dutch girl’s rational decision and passionately wish that we had offered my friends the same opportunity to die painlessly and with dignity
Posted By: Old Git, Dec 1, 20:19:22
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