and to have a full understanding it requires knowledge of parts of 3 other acts, namely: the mental health act 1983, the mental capacity act 2005 & the equality act 2010.
the process of the assisted dying bill in essence is: bloke declares he wants to be offed, goes to see a doctor who becomes the co-ordinating doctor (CD). the CD assesses bloke against all the laid down criteria:
(a) has the capacity to make a decision to end their own life
(b) is aged 18 or over at the time the person makes a first declaration
(c) is ordinarily resident in England and Wales and has been so resident for at least 12 months ending with the date of the first declaration, and
(d) is registered as a patient with a general medical practice in England
or Wales,
and, has a clear, settled and informed wish to end their own life, and has made the decision that they wish to end their own life voluntarily has not been coerced or pressured by any other person into making it. (imagine the court cases this could immerse medics into by aggrieved relatives, remember where there's a will, there's a relative). i digress, back on topic:
anyway, if a registered medical practitioner conducts such a preliminary discussion with a person, the practitioner must explain to and discuss with that person:
(a) the person’s diagnosis and prognosis
(b) any treatment available and the likely effect of it
(c) any available palliative, hospice or other care, including symptom management and psychological support.
before all this is done the bloke must provide two official forms of official identity to the CD and there needs to be an independent witness present for sign off. the CD then gives bloke at least 7 days time to reflect on their decision and then attend a second appointment to sign off on.
bloke can then be referred to an independent doctor (ID) who repeats the stuff done by the cd. it must be done independently.
both the CD and ID are therefore deemed "assessing doctors"
to inform their assessment, the assessing doctors
must, if they have doubt as to whether the bloke being assessed is terminally ill, refer the person for assessment by a registered medical practitioner who holds qualifications in or has experience of the diagnosis and management of the illness, disease or condition in question may, if they have doubt as to the capacity of the person being assessed, refer the person for assessment by a registered medical practitioner who is registered in the specialism of psychiatry in the Specialist Register kept by the General Medical Council or who otherwise holds qualifications in or has experience of the assessment of capability.
if the ID is not in agreement with the CD (is not of the opinion that bloke meets all the criteria for assisted dying) then the CD can simply appoint a different doctor. i.e get a second opinion
then, the whole kit and kaboodle has to be zipped up and go through the high courts for judicial sign off. then potentially off to the court of appeal. possibly then up to the echr.
you starting to think about the length of time surrounding this whole process by now? and overlay that against the 6 months (or less) that the bloke has to live. and overlay that with how long it takes to get a doctors appointment. well, two doctors appointments and a referral to a psychiatrist in an already over-stretched nhs and then judiciary.
also, there is no provision to preclude doctors to set up an assisted dying one stop shop working with legal peeps purely to provide an expedited service on a paid basis. could be a complete package with a funeral arrangement package.
jumbo, there's your business model!
and the costs involved? where do they land i wonder? it might just be easier for bloke to stomp off to switzerland.
Posted By: Tombs, Nov 30, 10:54:35
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