you get some great big potholes these days, back in the day you'd rarely see one now they are all over the place. i discovered one down in somerset last month took both front tires comfortably, no problem at all. tellies are much better, wafer thin they are now and cheap as chips with much better quality, i'm never going back to cathode ray tubes again. unless they have a renaissance like vinyl, then i might think about it, it would be daft to rule out anything.
pandemics are on the up, can't think they will top covid but you never know.
food manufacturers are well on top of the obesity crisis these days. i rarely buy any chocolate if ever, but needed a little energy pep on a long drive recently and purchased a "snickers" bar at a service station. blimey i thought to myself (because that's mostly how thinking works) "the food manufacturers are all over the obesity crisis, this snickers bar is tiny" so big up to them for reducing the size of their products in the interests of the nations wellbeing.
birds of prey have hugely increased in numbers, rarely would you ever see a bird of prey unless you were in the remote highlands or banham zoo, now they are two a penny; buzzards, red kites, sparrowhawks etc aots. owls appear to be late to the party they are still pretty rare but maybe that's because they are mostly nocturnal, so the drury is out on that one. it can't be too long before ostriches are parading across the fields. not that they are birds of prey but, you can't rule it out.
car headlights are a concern, i mean for years and years it was just two of the f**kers at the front corners of the car and that was: your bobby basic sidelights, full beam and dipped beam or stealth mode (no lights) functionality. was like that ever since the car was invented pretty much. nowadays headlight designers have gone hatstand tonto flippin mental, thousands of led lights, singular lightbars across the entire front of the car, "intelligent" headlights, weird strips between dodecahedron shaped pulsars that can be seen from space.
wind your necks in headlight designers, nobody needs that s**t just go back to the old fashioned tried and tested 2 headlights per car set-up. it's like var for cars, it's very fancy but totally not necessary aside from creating more jobs for referees/headlight designers.
so all in all, i dunno it's a difficult one. stop the goats.
Posted By: Tombs, Nov 29, 11:13:22
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