The raw data isn't (in the main) coming from a computer analysis of videos teams. It's coming from people watching the game, or more likely watching a video of the game.
Their judgement on angles/distance and all the other variables you mention is pretty rickety. They're not well paid, and likely not really to be paying much attention tbh. As you rightly say, some databases are more discerning than others. But the oft quoted thousands and thousands of games bit isn't much help if it's loads of data from wobbly sources.
(I'm also aware of companies using AI to try and streamline/standardise that process. Funnily enough those companies make bolder claims of the accuracy than it would seem the info they feed in can justify).
Ultimately, I'm also unconvinced that extrapolating loads of chunks of data into a single figure is all that helpful, particularly in this context.
Ymmv (and thank you for your considered and reasonable response)
Posted By: Cardiff Canary, Nov 27, 19:38:02
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