Bitd I had the difficult job of going round all the Norfolk/Suffolk

Reed-cutters to give them letters explaining that due to the environmentalist pressure we would be doing away with their services. Sad couple of days. We were also stopped from cleaning out rivers which was a set programme of work to keep the maximum volumetric capacity within the banks except for 1:50 year rainfall etc. Since those days the rivers have not been cleaned out so the reeds grow and hold up the sand/soil etc so they continue to clog up reducing the capacity dramatically. There are parts of the Wensum around Norwich where with knee high wellies you can walk across. So a couple of days of rain and the water overtops the s**t sherlock. Got to love people who are more interested in reeds and fish spawning than human beings. All our plans in those days had marked (close to rivers in many parts of the county) by ordnance survey "area liable to flood". Twenty years later you see houses being built on the same land. Madness.

Posted By: Old Splat, Nov 25, 21:11:28

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