Its a messageboard. It's when the vultures all prey on someone else. Ridicule other posters that they don't agree with time and time again. Whys nothing said then?
I dish it out to certain people they give it back?
Whe have I called you names or had beef about you're opinions? I haven't, like the majority of the board.
If people have issues with a thread don't read it's quite simple, but they respond attempting to belittle troll whatever you want to call it, why aren't they called out when it's clear as day.
The amount of crap on here and it's started by the same people, I don't respond to half of it.
You mention culture wars have you not been on here the last 10 years? The majority is started by years of "the hard left fanatics on here" when questioned asked or different opinions they throw insults and accuse the other of trolling.
Anyway enjoy your day
Posted By: ParrotPuncher, Nov 22, 13:49:16
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