agreed, a slightly more nuanced take on the matter from most of the media/nfu/clarksons

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bbc verify on the numbers likely to be affected User Posted Link

some guidance from defra to help farmers, growers and foresters:

increase productivity, sustainability and resilience

reduce the environmental impact of agriculture and horticulture

apply agricultural research to provide real benefits for farmers, growers and foresters to:

increase productivity, sustainability and resilience.

reduce the environmental impact of agriculture and horticulture.

apply agricultural research to provide real benefits for farmers, growers and foresters.

use science to develop solutions for the practical challenges in agriculture and horticulture.

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rather than drenching the fields year after year in glysophate and the use of titanium dioxide as a crop stimulant and neonicotinoid insecticides (ni)* (which kill bees via pollen) in farming.

*legislation was passed in 2024 allowing the use of ni on diseased sugar beet crops. a single teaspoon of neonicotinoid can kill 1.25 billion honeybees.

so, um farming: sort it out knapper.

Posted By: Tombs, Nov 19, 13:05:06

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