Surprised to see The Light on display at my local Morrisons. I didn't realise its

circulation extended that far. I was going to take a copy just for the readers letters:

"Dear The Light,

So far, together, we’ve politely endured: ourselves and our family and friends being disabled even murdered by poisons and pretend solutions.

We’ve been bombarded with proxy wars and insulted and lied to daily, all whilst being goaded into hating each other.

We’re continually ordered to financially support deviant predators and hateful invaders, who have been deliberately squeezed into our neighbourhoods by unreasonably elected traitors who represent them against us.

All instead of allowing us to support our brutalised, homeless ex-service heroes and vulnerable elders who freeze to death so their houses can be ‘absorbed’, while their grandchildren are tricked into physically mutilating themselves forever by the un-elected’s paid ‘influencers’.

Surely the sky’s the limit though? All the above is evil beyond human understanding, but the sky’s sacrosanct. Isn’t it? It belongs to everyone. Including those yet to be born.

No one – and I mean no one – has the right to even ‘touch’ it. And let’s face facts, these alleged economists may have euphorically enthused they ‘own’ the science?

But that’s just insane. Why? Because we know science is in a constant state of flux. New theories, evidence, even paradigms are like the proverbial bus.

So we cannot under any circumstances whatsoever allow these arrogant economic criminals to keep destroying the sky and everything below it.

Especially when you consider what an appalling management record they have to date.

The sky is the limit."

Then it dawned on me that this wasn’t a satirical Private Eye or Viz type publication but was actually the beliefs of some people that walk amongst us.

Posted By: The Gaffer, Nov 15, 12:38:43

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