Everyone introduced and some votes passed on dry topics such as changing the auditors.
Will the Board put on record the generosity of Delia and Michael?
They wrote of £43m of potential equity return to do the deal with MA. They will continue to be involved with the club and attend matches.
The Board are taking their time to find the right way to honor their impact on the club.
The club has now raised it's ambition to being an established prem club (as opposed to top 26 club), how will you achieve that?
BK - we are building towards estblishing the club in the Prem, it will take time
Can Mark clarified why he is keeping 5% share ownership for the fans and will you be able to increase ownership amongst younger fans
MA - he was honored by the 99% vote acceptance on him taking over the club. The club belongs to the supporters and they are there to caretake. He watches every match when he is not there. This is his 3rd AGM and feel privileged to be there.
The Brewers are very different to UK football - he has helped them to become permanently successful.
His job is find the right people to do the same thing for NCFC.
They welcome fan ownership and try to look after the shareholders
Kevin then monopolized the floor and is annoyed about something
Open to the floor for questions
Adrian - complained about why the shutters are pulled down before half time finishes
Anthony - maybe because of stocking issues
Question for Ben - Is Sainz happy at Norwich and how long can we keep him?
BN - he is a fantastic player - talking with his reps about extending his contract. Can't give anymore clarity on that how.
How much money for transfers in January?
BK - discussions ongoing. The injury list is horrendous but we expect all of the injured players back before Jan. If there are opportunities in Jan they will be alive to them but it's a very reactive market in January.
MA - he speaks with Ben a couple of times a week and this is a topic. There is money in the budget for the transfer window but needs to stay within profitability limits. He knows what Ben is considering at the plans align with the budget.
Please updated shareholders on proposal to expand the ground to 35k
Zoe - the work recently has been around master planning the whole site and stadium - been ongoing for 2 years. Shared with MA last week. They need to maximize the current assets - can do work to existing stadium and then long term is how you increase capacity
The clubs PSL has lost £40m in 2 years. Will we be able to reduce this?
They don't publish those details but they are doing inventive work around player trading and thsi should allow Ben to have more flexibility on the budget
Why have we swapped the end where we warm up. Whyy was there no thank you gift as a season ticket holder?
Decision made per-season - when players used to warm up they were in front of away fans it was aggressive and unpleasant, so they have moved them away from that part of the ground. All football clubs warm up in a similar way.
They don't send out any thank you letters to fans - should hav recieved email (for environmental reasons). This is constantly under review
Why are there no seperate accounts for the womens team
BK - we are very committed to the women's team. The focus is to get promoted this season. Moved to 3 nights a week training, new coach etc. Flo sits on the strategy group
Flo - great question, we have had a huge impact in a short period of time. In weekly discussions about what s next and very aware how fast women's football in growing across teh country.
In time the goal is to have separate reports for the women's team
American sport is a whole day event. Do you have any plans about how to make the day better for supporters?
MA - Zoe referenced that they are working on this now. Richard Ressler runs a very successful real estate investment firm - he spent several hours on Saturday looking at how we could do things both inside and outside the stadium to enhance the experience- both to increase profits and being fun. He doesn't want to come in and tell people what to like but it sounds like people want a little bit of American energy. They would like nothing more than for people to spend longer at the stadium doing various activities.
If the women get promoted, will they play more games at FCR?
The hope is to play more games at the Stadium
Will the facilities in the upper Barclay be improved?
The PA systems is getting upgraded and they have already invested in that. The Lion and Castle is not possible to open up to more people before the game (capacity if 600 and 3k sit in the stand). They are doing a major study about improving the facilities - Richard will be part of that.
Is there any chance FCR can be renamed as part of a sponsorship deal?
They have not actively explored but they might consider it at the right moment. Would have to be respectful to the heritage of the name/stadium
Supporters have bought ordinary shares when clubs was in peril. Does the club accept it has responsibility to long term shareholders to buy back shares at a fair price.
MA - he has only just become aware of this sissue. Has not had a chance to address this yet. He is now looking at this an dis mindful of everything that has bee said here and look after the shareholders. The support group can really influence this clubs, we have one of teh highest ticket receipts in the division, allows us to invest in the team. They have ideas who to give back to shareholders
Can the Board conform if they will restart the event that used to mix the owners and supporters?
*I broke for lunch* leftover veggie bowl, since you ask
Why so many injuries/
BK - many factors, was pre-season too hard/not hard enough? Have we not rotted enough. Is the lack of breaks (because we have so many internationals) the biggest issue? The recovery facilities we have are the best of the best and none of the injuries are long turn so things will look better soon.
Why have we not invested in strikers?
We have 3 in the squad, Sarge, Crnac and Barnes. Having 2 out injured exposes that 3 striker model. They hoped to have Barnes back long ago. Having 3 strikers is common and we have been unlucky with injuries. When you are going through a squad rebuild, it won't all be done in one window.
Will be be renewing contracts or selling those players?
It is not a unilateral decision, all parties need to agree - discussions are ongoing. If we can't agree terms then prudent to sell to recoup some value
Can you share you 5 year vision for ncfc both on and off the pitch?
MA - he draws on his experience - when bought the brewers he had no sports experience. He can draw from what has worked and not worked there. The community of very similar here - love for club and competing against bigger/more capitalized clubs. he ws part of recruiting Ben. You have seen smaller clubs like Brentford and Ipswich competing in the Prem - we are better set up as both of them (he has seen their books). losing 3 game sis not fun and he is as upset as anyone.
Trying to build something sustainable, need communication through the org and the goal is to get back to Prem and then establish.
We need to be the team that barges through the door into the prem. Everyone needs to be accountable players and staff - everything we do is in the framework started in the summer - younger players who fit in the system.
He will feel a failure if they are not back in the Prem is 5 year.
I had to take a call so missed the last few questions.
Posted By: Kev, Nov 13, 20:38:57
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