Many, many years ago, along with dozens of others, I got caught doing 70 on the A11 when it was temp down to 40mph but was still two lanes. I remember at the time, *everyone* was speeding so not sure if the signage was very good.
Anyway, got to court and all these solicitors stood up to defend their clients, all said "I understand you must ban my client" and they all got 21 day bans.
I got up to defend myself, and reminded the court politely it was a discretionary, not compulsory ban, gave a bit of a made up sob story about how I needed my car, and got a 14 day ban.
So if you know the law, can come across well and are a good liar, save the cash and represent yourself.
Posted By: jamesward, Nov 12, 12:57:10
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