the problem is we have all pretty much run out of ammo

namely excess/out of date war stock ammunition. we being the nations that supply (flog) ammunition to russia and ukraine. traditionally we expend out of date ammunition in training exercises and huge firepower demos like the ones the us and south korea conduct every year User Posted Link they also serve as a nice little old sabre rattle at n korea, russia and china

a petite problem for russia now is that putin has dragged north korea into the fray which could in turn drag south korea into providing weapons and ammo to ukraine which thus far they have only provided ukraine with cash money aid support.

south korea are no slouch, their military is currently ranked 5th in the world User Posted Link so they have a fair old bit of materiel resource in the stores and this would be a good way of getting rid of old stock getting near it's best before date and getting some cold hard cashino back to boot. also, south korean gear is largely nato spec which ties in nicely with all the materiel stocks (panzers/artillery pieces etc) the west have supplied (sold) ukraine with. eventually though everyone will have made enough money out of this caper and/or get tired of the nonsense and peace treaties will be signed and hundreds of thousands of young men and women and innocent civilians will have perished just for the the privilege or, will go on to live a life completely haunted by it.

the buck doesn't stop with that generation either, the ripples of harm transend generations beyond, affecting lives not yet even born. of course putin et al don't give a f**k about that.

nice day out there mind. it is here anyway.

Posted By: Tombs, Nov 11, 10:24:08

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