such as Booking, Trivago, etc. Of course Uber use it and to a certain extent retailers have used it for years but because consumers are aware that the prices fluctuate then they accept it. Stock is more expensive before Christmas.than after. Guess what? Roses are more expensive on the 13th Feb than the 15th Feb. But at least we know that. What Oasis/their promotors and management did wrong was not tell the customers that Dynamic Pricing was going to be in place. If they’d advertised it before then I think fans would’ve not had the shock or surprise, especially after waiting so long .
It’s a feeble excuse by the band to distance themselves from it, it was completely their decision.
With regards to football and other sports, I think there should be downwardly only dynamic pricing. Meaning that there could be some last-minute bargains to be had, kinda like stand-by sales to fill any empty seats. Far better to get someone in for £10 to cheer the team, but a pie and a pint than have any empty seat. Don’t think it’s so much of a problem at FCR but even we could hold off the last 500 sales as standby. It amazes me when I see places like Wigan with so many empty seats. I know why it is with them, but surely if they lowered the pricing then more would come?
Posted By: Augustus Pablo, Sep 4, 20:24:05
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