They both have DSDs and almost certainly have 5-ARD: that is, they are biological males with XY chromosomes and internal testes - but their bodies lack the receptor that creates external male genitalia
"Born female" only means "read as female at birth" (because they didn't have external male genitals). "Raised female" only means that the Y chromosome didn't manifest itself until puberty, when the internal testes kicked in and they started producing testosterone at normal levels so they acquired much of the strength, muscle mass, height and power of other men.
That's a tough hand to be dealt, especially in a homophobic and illiberal country. But that doesn't make it fair for them to be allowed to compete with biological
females even in a running race, still less to punch them in the face
The IOC is an absolute mess on this and I think that it is dominated by men and profoundly, institutionally sexist. It banned women from ski jumping until 2014 because Gian Franco Kasper thought it would damage their wombs User Posted Link And in 2015, it allowed any male who reduced testosterone (to a rate still ten times the female average) into female sports without consulting a single woman. Shameful
Posted By: Old Git, Aug 2, 19:24:14
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