As a matter of fact, I have!

We’ve got a fantastic old French free standing bath that was imported and restored by a company in Beccles you have sadly closed down now. It had an amazing smooth surface that was sprayed and baked. However, after about 15 years it delaminated and needed resurfacing. I managed to grind out the rough bottom (ooh err) and slightly grade it in to the good stuff further up.
I bought a good product on eBay that you pretty much pour around the rim (ooh err again) and let it drip down and recoat the bath. It’s proved to be very durable and I think the only bits where it looks awful is where I touched it up( not again!) and dripped. It’s given glossier finish that I wanted but it’s done the job for now. Also like everything DIY, preparation is 90% of the result. I know the best selling one in places like Thorns is a product by Tubby but this is the one I got, good luck:
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Posted By: Augustus Pablo, Jul 12, 18:52:24

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