there should be, on the internet somewhere, the lists of targets from the 80s. It shows how many nukes were aimed at which spots and what types - low yield, high yield air burst, ground burst, etc etc. you can see the blast zones and likely effects.
I have never lived anywhere that wasn't destined to have at least 3 serious f**ker level nukes landing more than a few miles away.
I am currently ~3miles away from the Skynet 5 HQ and whole defence information security establishment. I'll be getting several of Russia's finest and largest nukes on my doorstep.
As long as I'm at home the end should be instant but at worst it will be relatively swift - maybe hours of pain, a couple of weeks at most.
I really feel for those poor sods that live/get caught working outside the blast zones but close enough to have to deal with non-fatal but life altering doses. And the hordes of mutants, of course.
Posted By: CWC, Mar 2, 13:58:46
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