Yup. I try not to think about it these days as its too depressing

But the bottom line is a lot of people are a) stupid and/or b) greedy. And this creates exactly the right conditions for history to repeat itself over and over and over.

Years this has been coming, but everyone has stood by and let a small crew of crooks and villains pillage their country, extract billions and billions that should rightly belong to the people, to instead spend on themselves. Luxury yachts, property, companies, diamonds, football clubs and yes, political influence. All while running every aspect of life in their own nation, to tell the story they want put out and strangle any form of dissent.

And we did nothing. Nothing, because thousands and thousands of people have their beaks stuffed in the trough. Front of the queue has been the Conservative Party (well done them), but it doesn't stop there. A river of dirty money, causing people to look the other way.

And people lap it up. Strong man, nationalistic, dog whistle leaders all over the place. And many people looking at corrupt leaders feeding them bulls**t and telling them to like it. Not surprising there is so little faith in "the system" and "political elites", even if we only end up here because we're stupid enough to vote in liars and frauds.

I really can't think of a better way of summarising it than this.

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Posted By: Under soil heating, Feb 25, 09:06:41

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