probably chinese. i'm in charge of the wall. he must renew at least 4 panels a year i reckon, already done 6 this year can't be cheap. he really needs to sort his fence panel routine maintenance out and put some shims in to stop them rattling in their concrete posts when it gets windy. that's what happens when you get neighbours who are rank amateurs, fence breaches and yappy dog incursions. on the whole though as a neighbour he scores a solid 7/10 now his noisy kids have f**ked off. never ever seen the neighbours on the other side on account of a farm track between us and they appear to be hermits. mr sainsburys delivers their fodder and a lad comes round every fortnicht and spends a day gardening so they are probably still alive. lady over the road got casevac'd about 6 weeks ago ambulance was there for about 10 mins then scooped her away blue lights, so i reckon she's toes up.
Posted By: Tombs, Feb 21, 13:03:11
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