On train lines is best or good buses (places like eg Mulbarton are close but need two buses to get in, avoid them, look at the First Bus routes). I moved at the very start of Lockdown One, timing precipitated by a Situation regarding one of my kids I'm not going into here but there was no option but to move right the f**k then, ended up paying a fortune for a bit till I could find my current place (which I've been able to buy using my share of the proceeds of a house I bought for very little but sold for much more on divorce). If you're a way out of the middle it's a bus ride or drive in anyway honestly.
Still the best place to live, I reckon, well for me anyway.
And the fact you're looking means you must have got that job. Delighted to hear it x
Posted By: Old Man, Jan 28, 23:28:46
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