I'm sure it's a mix of the lot

I don't like projecting onto the unknown because it's all guesswork but from the outside looking in I see so many parallels between what seems to be happening with Todd and how I was in my last job.

Wanting to be elsewhere, previously good relationships souring, motivation and performances dropping, so fuelling the damage to relationships which fuelled the desire to be elsewhere which fuelled poor motivation etc etc. All a vicious circle. Throw in some personal difficulties and depression to speed up the downward spirals. No one's fault really, just one of those things that happens from time to time.

Farke reminds me of my boss at the time too - nice guy when you're on side, bit of a khunt if you're not.

I'd hoped Smith coming in might have led to a fresh start for all concerned but it seems not. Maybe the drop to the champs might lead to more playing opportunities for him. There's still a good player in there and the Todd of last season still has a role here.

Posted By: CWC, Jan 27, 12:48:52

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