choice that is. entire aisles of different crisps ffs! have you tried buying a lightbulb, jesus the choice is staggeringly bewildering. bog roll purchasing is an actual degree course. not long ago water came in still, wet or sparkling now it's like the united nations of water there are literally a half a million different h20 based products; smart water, fruit flavoured water, water free water, vegan water, dried water, canaboid water, gluten free water, meat free water, diet water, water from volcanos, space water.
of course it is all calulated to confuse the consumer and trick them into buying something that nobody needs and eventually it rots in the fridge so they have buy a different type of cheese because rotten cranberry cheese is rotten long before it rots. wake up sheeple.
Posted By: Tombs, Jan 18, 20:33:32
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