Depends on reading level and what she's interested in

As a 10 year old ,mine liked :

Anne of green gables
The Hobbit
Maurice and his educated rodents (from there the Tiffany aching Terry pratchett novels)
Phantom tollbooth
Murder most unladylike (all the Robin Stevens murder mysteries went down well)
From there onto Agatha Christie
The moomins
Atticus claw (probably starting to outgrow it around then)

And started to get into manga (a minefield... Sailor moon was okay -in a few years she might dig Madoka Magika which is a genuinely fab disturbing take on Faust)

I caveat all of this with - I can't remember at what age exactly they were reading each of these and, depending on your views on outdated views/sex/violence/swearing etc you might want to cast your eye over skim through first (the manga, in particular,can be disturbing and Madoka Magika is quite brutal...more teenage.)

There is a tonne of great stuff out there.

Posted By: Cardiff Canary, Jan 15, 06:23:21

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