unless you have 3 jabs from jan 15th. Of course, they may decide to have a 4th, then 5th dose as part of the deal.
so be it, I'll keep taking it - its done me no harm.
I dont care about the 10% of frenchies who will be shut out of society - the less french people I see the better.
What concerns me is that this pass will affect everyone who comes to France. Whether that is Bulgarians, americans or Chinese. In fact the Chinese vacccine isnt even accepted.
This vaccine pass will be the death of tourism in France, something it relies heavily on economically. Also culture will take an almighty hit.
It is going to fuel division here. We all need to get back to normal, even here in France. We haven't had a 'freedom day'. Its been permamasks and restrictions. This pass will mean a permanent shift away from normality - there can be no going back.
They have dug themselves a hole and they are struggling to get out of it.
Posted By: shoddy, Jan 5, 19:37:31
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