Modern medicine has raised that to the mid seventies.
That's remarkable.
The big difference now, with this pandemic, is that vaccine refuseniks are putting me and my loved ones at risk and prolonging the whole thing. Anti Vax also seems to go hand in hand with anti mask and aggression. Wearing a mask is mainly to stop you inadvertently spreading the virus, which you are more likely to do if you're not vaxxed.
A friend and her daughter, who is in a wheelchair with long COVID were aggressively heckled and confronted coming out of one of the Cardiff vaccination centres. They yelled at her that she was treating her daughter as a medical guinea pig.
What you're seeing is a lack of patience with ignorance that is impacting other people's health and lives.
I don't condone abuse in any way. I am fed up of myself and my (vulnerable) kid being restricted by misinformation and other's ignorance.
People by all means can refuse to get vaxinated, but they need to understand the impacts and should face restrictions targeting them, not the majority, who are being civic minded in this.
Posted By: Cardiff Canary, Dec 20, 08:36:59
Written & Designed By Ben Graves 1999-2024