Copied from EADT. - Marcus Evans “key factor in reaching my decision to support the investment by a pension fund is the basic principle around which any such fund needs to invest. It has to see a return on its investment, and that return in all likelihood can only be achieved by way of promotion to the Premier League”
So It would appear that for the owner to get a good return then the club needs to be in premier league for a few seasons as often championship and league one clubs lose money.
to do that they need two promotions. To get promoted you need to play well and win games . To do that you need good players and an excellent coach.
Investing in the academy is a medium term plan, it would be unlikely to yield too many players for a couple of seasons. So the short term answer is getting in good players which will require decent level of investment.
so if that all goes well and they get the right players in then it could be quite exciting for the next few seasons for Ipswich fans seeing good football.
they may be rivals but most are just like us, fans who have supported their team for years and could never support one of the big 5 clubs.
Posted By: Kar1, Apr 7, 13:11:53
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