1) Which book and film was about a plot to assassinate President Charles De Gaulle? Took a bit as I thought "nah that's J" but I think you mean Day of the Jackal and Day does indeed start with D so there you go
2) Which "political personality" died in the year 2000 aged 77? Damn. Too late for Richard Dimbleby? But I got nothing else.
3) The town of Blandford Forum is in which county? Derbyshire, Devon, Dorset. Going with Dorset on a whim but it's probably Devon. But Dorset.
4) Which popstar was expelled from Acton Grammar School in West London in the early 1960's for refusing to wear School Uniform? ...David Bowie? Surely not but...nope, not doing well tonight
5) Which flower takes its name from a 'Lion's Tooth'? Dandelion
6) Which Marx Brothers Film was set in a fictional country called Fedonia? Duck Soup
7) 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' was written by which composer? Dukas, wuntit?
8) What is the name of the reference book that lists Britain's 'titled families'? DeBretts
9) Which group had 'Something for the Weekend' in 1996? ohhh f**k, divine something, erm. Divine Comedy???
10) In 'Star Wars', what was the name of Darth Vader's Spacecraft? Derek. Well I thought it was Executor, but I'm obviously wrong, so...
Didn't do too well on those, but thanks for them Saucy as ever.
Posted By: Old Man, Mar 22, 18:54:51
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