
1) Who became Prime Minister at the age of only 24 in 1783? Pitt The Younger

2) Which Greek Philosopher is famous for his work 'The Republic'? Plato, also for his Solids, not so much for his far less successful Liquids and his wife would on occasion kick him out when his Gasses became too much to bear

3) Who started his career as vocalist with Blues Band 'The King Snakes' in 1966? ...too late for Presley, maybe Plant?? Total guess, but Robert Plant

4) Who was the Roman God of the Sea and Protector of all Waters? Poseidon

5) Who wrote the symphonic fairy tale 'Peter and the Wolf'? Prokovieff or Prokoffiev or Prokoviev or Prokiffiefffff That last one would be quite loud wouldn't it.

6) What form of savings were first introduced in 1956? Ummm, Premium Bonds??

7) Which alloy was the main type of tableware in Britain in the Middle Ages, before being replaced by China? Pewter says no? Another guess. Pewter. I guess it takes pewter tango.

8) Who was the first Golfer to win $1million in prize money? Palmer or Player. 50/50. Gary Player?

9) Luzon and Mindano are islands of which country? Not Pakistan or Peru. Don't *think* Paraguay though spose it could be. Not Poland, too many vowels :) So...Philippines or Papua. 50/50 Papua New Guinea?

10) Which 1970 film starred James Fox as a Gangster who moved in with Mick Jagger? Phuckedifino

Phanks Phaucy

Posted By: Old Man, Mar 18, 19:19:15

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