So, about the 'c' bomb I dropped
Not my normally style, I apologise unreservedly for using that word.
What I don't apologies for? There has been an awful reaction from 'supporter's on this board. Some from usernames I've never seen before, some from those I think have a little more sense. This board was lauding our club, players and manager a year ago, now same posters are saying Farke should go, we are an embarrassment and it's as bad as the Hughton era (guess what, it's no where near). I'm sick of the self entitlement of some supporters. This season was always going to be tough, so one poor performance since the restart shouldn't be a surprise. I was told in should be ashamed for using the c word on here, well some of you should be ashamed for your reaction since the restart
Posted By: maidstoneyellow, Jun 27, 20:19:38
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