Reading all this stuff on here about people doing the same as Cummings... looking after themselves and their family... Where would you go to (in the UK) if any member of your family was sick? You'd go to a GP or A&E.. publicly funded, free at the point of use...staffed by migrants, cleaned by the poor....State institutions. That's why people like Cummings and nasty Tory s**ts are such c**ts....They think they're above all this... through, class or income.... But they'd be the first to demand help from the NHS
We've had 40 years of this neo-liberal, laissez faire, me me me, Amercicanised s**t and now we have 50,000 dead... a failed social care service.... resources sold off to the highest bidder... and people in positions of real power not giving a f**k about anything bar themselves.
Goodness me these Tory s**tes and their American chums make me really cross.
Posted By: Moritz Moutarde, May 24, 20:00:33
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