Lets hope we learn something from this and aside from the medical/covid 19/PPE/pandemic type side of things I think the benefits we have seen environmentally (and for many in terms of lifestyle with working from home) are a silver lining we should try and hang onto.
Loads of people were previously told they couldn't work from home or that it wasn't feasible and this has shown that to be horsesh*t. Businesses spending millions flying staff abroad constantly or sending people from Norwich ti Manchester for a meeting have realised they maybe don't need to do that all the time. That will save them money and help reduce carbon emissions. The fact the country needs to be more self sufficient and not rely solely on "just in time" supply lines spanning the globe has perhaps been illustrated as well. The fact there has been a very significant improvement for asthma sufferers should not be ignored.
These are things that were already being taken forward in emerging government policy but this episode has actually shown that stuff proposed (that would otherwise probably have happened quite slowly) can work and make a big difference in terms of air quality quite quickly. I just hope they are not all abandoned as soon as this is all over.
Posted By: Jim, Apr 30, 09:58:06
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