1) Whose autobiographies were 'The Moon's a Balloon' and 'Bring on the Empty Horses'? - David "Nivea Cream" Niven
2) Which Charles Dickens novel was set during the French Revolution? - A Tale Of Two Cities. It is a far, far better thing that I do now than I have ever done. One of his better efforts, though all his Standard Tropes are still there.
3) Which book went on trial for obscenity in 1960 but was acquitted? Arr, Lady Chatterly's Lover, hentut?
4) Who wrote the Science Fiction novel 'Brave New World'? - Aldous Huxley
5) Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect. Characters in which book? - The Hitchikers' Guide to the Galaxy; The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe; Life, The Universe And Everything; So Long And Thanks For All The Fish; Mostly Harmless and Eoin's work And Another Thing. So you meant one of those but I don't know which one.
6) To 1 year e/w, when was the death penalty abolished in the UK? - late nineties, I'll say 1997. For most crimes, mid sixties, I'll say 1964 or so, but technically still on the statute book for treason and I think something to do with Her Majesty's Navy or Dockyards or something too until late nineties.
7) 'Hawley Harvey' were the Christian names of which criminal? Erm. Lord Haw Haw???
8) When Ronnie Biggs did a runner, which country did run to hide in? Australia, then Brazil
9) Who did Sirhan Sirhan assasinate on 6th June 1968? I don't know. Was it Bambi?
10) What was the nickname of George Smith, sentenced to death in London in 1915 for the murders of several women? Smudger, most probably, I don't know really
Posted By: Old Man, Apr 24, 20:05:20
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