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about the often devastating effects of loneliness - written before the corona crisis - on health & wellbeing (shortening lifespans very considerably, as well as making lives far less fulfilling).
I'll be interested to see what is said about measures to protect the elderly - my mother is widowed and over 80, and would certainly fall into the category of "vulnerable" - but I suspect that to be made to isolate for a year or more (depending on the degree), to be separated from the support and friendships she's made since my father died for example, would be pretty appalling for her - I suspect that like many others she would begin to think she's staying alive (for how long?) for the mere sake of being alive rather than living her life, and I suspect that would lead only one (unhappy) way. I don't doubt that these things are not straightforward, but I do think we mustn't lose sight of the wider (and real) purpose of protecting health, and the many aspects of "being healthy".
Posted By: paulg, Apr 23, 16:04:18
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