My worry is for those in the community who dont have good support. My parents are 97 and 96, have a Sainsburys loyalty card and have had no contact whatsoever from anyone to check up on them. They have a supportive family so they are OK.
But councils and supermarkets do know who is out there and need to be much more pro-active. There needs to be a national helpline for anyone to ring - for themselves, for their friends and family and for their neighbours.
It wont work saying ring your Council - most of us in Norfolk have 3 (county, district/borough/city, parish/town) and from my time in local govt most people are confused why and which does what.
And as I typed the Govt's letter popped thro the mailbox (respect to the posties) - its mostly good stuff but if you need more info - it says go online! My 96 year old mother doesnt know what a computer is - let alone how to work it.
With hundreds of thousands of us volunteering there are the people to make this work - but is there a will to do so?
My parents will be OK - I'll make sure of that. But there's a hell of a lot of vulnerable people out there not nearly so fortunate.
Posted By: rosarios_school_tie, Apr 9, 12:30:42
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