The stats are a bit all over the shop due to the different reporting numbers

Between 19th March and 5th April the NHS stats released show there were 5332 deaths in English Hospitals (although recent days still subject to adjustment). Over the same period the Dept for Health has announced 4830 deaths for the whole UK quite a few of those English fatalities have not been announced yet.

The average across those 18 days for English hospitals is 296 per day. For the last 14 days its 355 and for the last 7 days its 430 but the worst two days were 30th and 31st March and since then on 6 of the 9 days there has been a (usually small) decrease in comparison to the preceding 24 hours.

So despite the headlines there are not 850 people passing away in a 24 hour period at the moment but there are probably between 450 and 550 each day in the UK and its been pretty constant at that level for the last week or so.

Hopefully the slow down in the increase in cases translates into a drop in those numbers in the not too distant future.

Posted By: Jim, Apr 7, 17:52:12

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