Any newbies see my posts around this time last week. If I can't set quizzes in my local pub the Wrath may as well suffer them. This week (Mon - Fri) I am going to set 10 questions per night, 5 on one subject and 5 on another. Tonight History and Pop. Answers abt 9.15.
1) In the end who actually won the Wars of the Roses? Lancashire or Yorkshire? Which flag was ultimately victorious? Yes I know its a tad debatable...
2) In the American Civil War which well known General was killed by 'friendly fire' when shot by his own side?
3) What was the original nationality of Harry Houdini?
4) Which American President committed USA land troops to the Vietnam War?
5) Which children's writer was married to Trotsky's Secretary?
Pop Real Names. Who are the following better known as? All artistes top 3. Some recent, some not so....
6) Walden Robert Cassotto
7) Stefani Germanotta?
8) Michael Barratt
9) Mary O'Brien
10) Rory Graham
Posted By: Saucerer, Mar 30, 19:33:43
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