Usual rules, answers in the Message Body and no Googling.
Thinking about setting a couple of 'speciality' quizzes of 10 questions next week - also gives me something to to during the day. At the obvious risk of ridicule (and whatever suggestions Jumbo might make) does anyone have preferences for questions? Anyway onto tonight's trivia.
1) How many bones in the human foot? 20 23 or 26 ?
2) Which Tracy Brother was in charge of Thunderbird 4
3) Which type of pasta has a name that literally translates as 'little worms'?
4) Of whom did former French President Francois Mitterand once say "she has the mouth of Monroe, but the eyes of Caligula"?
5) In which year (spot on) did the News of the World paper close?
6) John Simon Ritchie. Who is/was he?
Answers at circa 9.00pm
Posted By: Saucerer, Mar 26, 19:24:31
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