1 Gibraltar and Minorca. Or was it Majorca? No, we got Mayon, so Minorca. Minorca.
2 only three years but no gentleman would ever drink it at that age
3. Ooo f**k, so, umm, 365 divided 2 = 182.5 donuts day 183 which is (counts on fingers, recites 30 days hath September) 2 July?
4 it’s always the middle one when you don’t know, so 73%
5 Shropshire
6 well presumably David became a famous guitar player. Fuck knows who he is though. 1960 ... umm ... David Bowie? No, he’d never have been a copper. David Cassidy? Too young. No idea. Jimmy Page.
Posted By: Old Git, Mar 25, 20:51:40
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