My other half went to see her mother at her assisted living gaff last night, as every night. She has alzheimers and has suffered strokes of varying severity, along with urinary invections, e-coli to name but a few. She was in a mess last night but we really wanted to avoid her having to spend 10 hours in a hospital doorway again. She was too ill to be brought to stay at ours so Annie bunkers down at hers.
Anyways, she's now hurtling down to Pinderfields having displayed more than one symptom of Corona, and Annie now has to self isolate. Which technically means I do also.
This is now where it gets complicated. Yesterday I went to catch up with the girls at the shop having just returned from holiday. We have 4 members of staff and three of them were in yesterday. The advice is that they will now need to isolate. The shop cannot open or function with the remaining one person, so we have to close up. Party's over, and that's without any change in customer footfall up to now. Also I spoke to two or three customers whilst there, no idea who they were or where they live. It's going to get very messy very very quickly.
It's just a f**king cold...
Posted By: tudders, Mar 17, 14:39:50
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