and how its going to get worse here and 1 in 10 will need intensive care and the NHS is going to struggle is very frightening but that is what Newspapers do. They sensationalise everything. We don't know what will happen. It could end up like Italy but it might not. All we hear is how many have it but not how many have recovered or out of the stats, how many currently have it. Of all the deaths, was it actually COVID 19 which killed them or was it the underlying health issues and they would have died anyway?
I want to Government to do everything it can but not go over the top. Stopping handshakes before a game is pointless. Players spit on the pitch all the time. Mings did it last night. They hug after celebrating and cover their mouths when talking. Sports journalists are being told to get Coronavirus angles on their reports.
It reminds me a lot about the reporting on Brexit. Lots of scaremongering in that.
Posted By: Trent_Canary, Mar 10, 14:38:37
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