They both know you all of you have to be there, because you get paid.
Your colleague thinks you won't leave, so thinks it's okay to push at you with antics. Your residents act the same cos they have some weird entitlement thing that they are either paying for the care, or their NI paid for it, so they act up like kids cos they think they have paid for it.
Your family does this as well because they know you can't get out of it.
It's why family members can be awful to each other, but will treat their friends like royality because they know friendships are brittle.
So I think a lot of that is going on.
The 3 lodgers I've had live with me all did the same thing. They all had the same behaviours which were basically a chip on their shoulder that they had to pay me to live here.
The stupid thing was I charged £350 a month with no bills. You'd think all 3 would appreciate that discount. Rent and bills is what £500-700 all in? But no, they felt they were entitled to b***h and moan at me about all sorts of things. All 3 followed the same patterns too
Posted By: pants, May 6, 00:24:59
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