which it does on occasion, though more usually it's just one or two wannabe faces hold-me-back-bruvving at each other over a topic neither really understands.
When we try though we can actually exchange differing views from the most deeply entrenched positions reasonably.
I do wish some would let bones of contention which must be decades not years old now simply drop, but that's probably unrealistic.
It's still one of the few social media sites I enjoy, despite living off what is now very old technology (and why change anything: ain't broke - don't fix). Some of my favourite "online characters" live here. We're all hugely different in some ways yet there's enough shared context and plenty of genuine warmth to create a great atmosphere a lot of the time.
To hope for that "all the time" is unrealistic and sometimes I just don't bother and I go away until it's worth engaging with again.
Posted By: Old Man, Mar 27, 21:40:28
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