I do blame Cameron. He thought it was an easy option...

and an easy win. In 1975 we voted 67% to 33% to stay in. Whilst it was never going to be those percentages in favour I'm sure he expected at least 55% to vote Remain. Having made the wrong decision to hold the referendum he then lead an appalling campaign based round Project Fear without ever getting across the many many positives of staying in. Then having messed up twice he bailed out the next day and left us with Teresa....

As bad as it is we have to either take the deal or some form of compromise or even Corbyn's approach which would keep us in the customs union This country is now so deeply and fundamentally divided on Brexit that another referendum would almost certainly lead to significant civil unrest - especially if Remain narrowly won as may well happen. We do need to respect the democratic vote result in 2016 whatever we think of it. I'm actually somewhat more comfortable with Article 50 being revoked (which won't happen) than this country committing further ritual hari kiri with another vote. Get on with it....but not No Deal - that would be disastrous.

Posted By: Saucerer, Mar 23, 23:06:55

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