Agreed, but as CWC correctly replied too, reconciliation is tough in today’s conditions,

The social media echo chambers are too large coupled with this ‘new world view’ that if you don’t agree with an opinion then the other person is offensive/discriminatory. The other issue is that we’re trying to talk and learn about incredibly complex and difficult subjects in bite size pieces because most people’s attention span appear to be 180 characters or less.

This is just leading to one group either just completely ignoring the other, or trying to silence the other because they don’t like what they hear or filing an accusation of harm because it disagrees with their world view, or ideology.

People need to grow up, put the ideological ideas to one side and have a proper long form, adult discussion about these incredibly complicated issues, rather than trying to score social media points over the other group with a couple of tweets and a 2min interview on the BBC. People need to listen to the other side and steelman their points of view rather than strawman. Also be prepared that there will be uncomfortable truths on both sides that need to be addressed, rather than one side accusing the other of being a racist or a snowflake.

Posted By: I Am Hoot, Mar 23, 21:24:16

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