I wasn’t being a dick either for the record.

That’s the thing nobody knows...

You and I couldn’t predict it, the banks can’t tell us, politicians don’t know what’s going to happen and can not agree to anything...
experts everywhere and nobody can tell us what’s going to happen there’s fake news and scare story’s on bothsides.

Am I bothered by it - not in the slightest, the old saying what will he will be, personally
Will I lose my job? No,
will I lose my house No
Will interest rates go up probably/ no body knows
Will the kids still go to school - yes
Will the country press the big red button.... no off course not...
Will You and I have to go without - doubt it...

the country is a joke. Both sides in or out, left and right,

Posted By: Pukki Pies, Mar 22, 23:21:44

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