She was always doomed to failure

To succeed she would have to garner cross party support for a deal. The majority of the house voted and campaigned for remain including TM herself. This would mean basing the deal on some kind of customs union with the EU. This however would go against the spirit of what the people voted for which was a simple in or out. Out being out of a customs union and with it the overeaching legal control that comes with the European Court of Justice. You hear many brexit supporters saying I didn't vote for a deal I voted to leave. There is some simplicity to this argument but sadly the world is not so simple. There was always going to have to be compromise in some way but by drawing her red lines so clearly and then making the most idiotic move at all namely agreeing to define the divorce bill before negotiating the future trading relationship she created the mess we have now and handed all the cards to the EU negotiating team. She gave herself no room for manoeuvre without appearing the betray either the Conservative party members, the brexit voters or both. If the future relationship Canada++, Norway+, EU 2.0 or whatever had been discussed and agreed (cross party) at the start, the EU would not have been able to weaponise the Irish border as an issue and there may have been the chance to pass an agreement.
Underlying all of this is the incompetence of Jeremy Corbyn too and the flip flopping of the Labour party who have provided no real opposition at all flailing around trying to bring about a GE and a with it a marxist government, both doomed to failure with the fixed parliament act as it is and disregarding the fact TMs deal as structured is pretty much the same deal they wanted in the first place. The ya re still voting against in the hope of brining about a GE and failing to recognise that as a co-party of Brexit with the Conervatives they will face the same backlash from the voters for not deliovering their will. Prepare for some form of coalition if GE finalled does happen and who would want to be in that with the neutering that happened to the Liberal by taking part. Total bloody shambles.

Posted By: Basingstoke_Canary, Mar 22, 13:51:36

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