FAO dandy

Afraid I can’t help you on the retail side.

What I do know is that if you have the cash it’s always cheaper to buy it separate and just get a sim only deal from the provider.

Most Telecoms companies stepped away from the subsidy model a few years ago. Basically it meant they were essentially paying people to buy smartphones every year or two just to keep them on their network, while the manufacturers were not willing to negotiate on price and at the same time were drawing people away from the core business by shipping with their own OTT apps - iMessage, FaceTime, FaceTime audio and android equivalents for example.

And contrary to popular belief they make f**k all money from phone sales. Any profit they get from those is only in the insurance policies. I once managed an iPhone launch for an unnamed company who obstructed everything my team came up with to increase sales. Eventually they admitted that they couldn’t afford to sell too many iPhones that quarter...

Posted By: Steve in Holland, Nov 14, 22:27:17

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