- "collective" is as opposed to "unanimous". There could yet be resignations; some will keep powder dry to see what Barnier says in a wee while
- very very few people have seen the actual text. Every reaction, more or less, is based on reportage of a 585-page single-spaced document, which will be carefully designed to hide devils in its considerable details. Unpicking it will not be the work of minutes.
- Despite this, I don't see how May gets *anything* through Parliament frankly. She'd need some Labour votes as I think the DUP are likely to oppose.
- There could well be a no confidence vote in May but she could very well survive it and then be unchallengeable for a year. No sane person would want the job just now. If you're credibly in the running for it, wait until it's not all about to blow up in your face, kind of thing.
- Anyone who tells you they know what is going to happen in any of the next several days is lying
- Pukki and Webber ARE GOING NOWHERE
- I like gin
Posted By: Old Man, Nov 14, 19:49:17
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