weapon, that would be the easiest way to get them all in over a period of a few days. If noticed, they might just assume it is the gun he's been taking in and out since he arrived (maybe same hard case etc which is hard to tell whether empty or not).
I do think that if a chambermaid were to notice more than 20 guns in a single room occupied by a single guy (or couple - suggestions are that he checked in as a couple with his girlfriend who wasn't there), then regardless of the legality they would say something. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it isn't suspicious. It isn't illegal for me to carry a backpack with wires sticking out either, but I am sure it might be reported...
Can't imagine the chamber maids even went into the room in the 4 days.
Posted By: Steve in Holland, Oct 3, 11:53:27
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