Morrison's right.
Put them all in Morrison's, hide 'em at various spots around the store. Let in all those people who have been complaining and lock them all in there.
Treasure hunt, innit? Find the ticket, you're on the bus. Don't find one? Sorry cuz, you out.
What I'd do though just to make it a bit more fun is get the aircon fans blowing at maximum capacity so it's really windy, like a vortex or something that would make the tickets blow around and that, just to make it harder to get them. Could maybe chuck a couple of poomers in there too, just for the lulz.
Once you have a ticket, you make your way to the exit and leave. Once they're all gone, game over.
I'd probably film it and put it on netflix or the youtubes (whatever the cool kids watch these days). £1.99 pay per view.
Posted By: I Am Hoot, Sep 30, 01:58:35
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